Underbite correction?

An underbite is a common problem where the lower teeth protrude further than the upper teeth. This causes discomfort, such as chewing problems, speech difficulties or wear and tear on the teeth, but it can also affect your appearance. Fortunately, modern techniques offer effective solutions. At Felix & Bellus, we are happy to explain exactly what an underbite is and how we can help you. That way, you’ll get a clear picture of treatment and we’ll work together to achieve a healthy and radiant smile.

underbite correction

What is an underbite?

An underbite is when your lower teeth are further forward than your upper teeth. This can come in different forms. To determine the severity of your underbite, we look carefully at your teeth and measure how many millimeters the lower teeth protrude from the upper teeth. This gives us a clear picture of your situation and possible treatment. In addition, there are variations, such as an inverted bite, where only some of the teeth are wrong, or a complete underbite, where all the lower teeth are in front of the upper teeth.

Do I need treatment for my underbite?

There are several ways to correct an overbite, your specific situation and needs determine the way. An underbite can cause aesthetic and functional problems. Treatment is often necessary to restore the balance of the jaws and prevent complaints. During an intake we determine the best approach together, tailored to your situation. You will receive a clear indication of the duration of treatment and the associated costs. Together we choose the solution that suits you best.

Invisalign® aligners to correct your underbite

Correcting an underbite with Invisalign® aligners is a popular and effective choice for those looking for a hygienic and invisible braces solution. These transparent aligners are custom-made and gradually move the teeth to the desired position. To ensure progression, the aligners are replaced every few weeks. The process is not only effective, but also comfortable, as the aligners are completely customized for your teeth. In addition, you can easily remove the invisible braces while eating or brushing your teeth, which makes wearing them extra pleasant.

At Felix and Bellus, you are in good hands: we are proud Diamond Provider of Invisalign and specialize in correcting complex dental abnormalities. With our expertise and experience, we make sure that your Invisalign treatment fits your teeth and wishes perfectly.

underbite correction

How long will it take to correct my overbite with invisible braces?

The treatment time for an underbite varies from person to person. On average, Invisalign treatment takes 18 to 24 months. During regular checkups, we closely monitor your progress to ensure the best results. Afterwards, you’ll enjoy not only beautifully straight teeth, but also improved functionality.

What are the costs of underbite braces at Felix & Bellus?

As a specialist in Invisalign treatments in Eindhoven, we offer more than just technical expertise. Our experienced team guides you step by step on your way to a healthy, radiant smile. We offer Invisalign aligners at prices comparable to, or even lower than, traditional locking braces. You are guaranteed a fair price with us, including consultations and retention braces. Depending on your specific needs, costs range between €3,000 and €3,500.

Let’s straighten it out babe

Do you have any questions or would you like to plan a free personal information session? Call us directly or leave your name and telephone number and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Felix & Bellus is located
on the Paradijslaan 30, in Eindhoven

Open from Monday to Friday: 9:00 – 18:00


Phone number for our patients:
+31 (0)40 341 00 80

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+31 (0)6 43 53 62 36