Crossbite correction?

A crossbite is a dental abnormality in which the upper and lower teeth do not align properly. This can lead to discomfort such as difficulty chewing, speech difficulties and disproportionate tooth wear. A crossbite can also affect your appearance. Fortunately, modern techniques offer effective solutions. At Felix & Bellus, we are happy to explain what a crossbite is and how we can help you. That way, you’ll get a clear picture of treatment and we’ll work together to achieve a healthy and radiant smile.

crossbite correction

What is a crossbite?

A crossbite is when your upper teeth are behind your lower teeth when closing your mouth. This can occur in part or all of your teeth, and it can involve both the front and side of your row of teeth. We carefully examine your teeth to come up with a proper treatment plan. In doing so, we identify which teeth are misaligned and discuss possible treatment. Through a personalized approach, we offer a solution that fits your situation perfectly.

Do I need treatment for my crossbite?

A crossbite can lead to various problems, such as tooth wear, muscle tension in the jaw and even headaches. In addition, a crossbite often affects the aesthetics of your smile. Treatment is usually necessary to restore proper alignment of the teeth and prevent symptoms. During an intake we discuss your specific situation and give a clear indication of the treatment duration and costs. Together we will find the best solution to correct your teeth.

Invisalign® aligners to correct your crossbite

Correcting a crossbite with Invisalign® aligners is an excellent choice for those looking for a comfortable and hygienic solution. The custom-made, invisible braces  gradually move your teeth to the correct position. You change to a new set of aligners every few weeks, providing a step-by-step correction. Because the aligners are removable, you can easily take them off while eating or brushing your teeth. This makes the treatment hygienic and pleasant.

At Felix & Bellus, you are assured of expert guidance. As an Invisalign Diamond Provider, we have extensive experience correcting complex dental defects, such as a crossbite. With our expertise, we ensure that your Invisalign treatment fits your needs perfectly.

crossbite correction

How long will it take to correct my crossbite with invisible braces?

The duration of treatment varies from person to person. On average, Invisalign treatment lasts from 12 to 24 months. During regular checkups, we monitor your progress and adjust treatment as needed to ensure you get the best results. Afterwards, you will not only have straight teeth, but also improved functionality and appearance.

The cost of crossbite braces at Felix & Bellus

As specialists in Invisalign treatments in Eindhoven, we offer more than just technical expertise. Our experienced team guides you step by step on your way to a healthy, radiant smile. We offer Invisalign aligners at prices comparable to, or even lower than, traditional locking braces. You are guaranteed a fair price with us, including consultations and retention braces. Depending on your specific needs, costs range between €3,000 and €3,500.

Let’s straighten it out babe

Do you have any questions or would you like to plan a free personal information session? Call us directly or leave your name and telephone number and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Felix & Bellus is located
on the Paradijslaan 30, in Eindhoven

Open from Monday to Friday: 9:00 – 18:00

Phone number for our patients:
+31 (0)40 341 00 80

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+31 (0)6 43 53 62 36