Invisalign or traditional braces: which do you choose?

Are your teeth not quite as you would like them to be but you are not so keen on wearing braces? Then we have good news for you. At Felix & Bellus we straighten your teeth without having to put brackets on them. How do we do that? With an aligner from Invisalign, of course!

The differences between Invisalign and brackets

Wearing an aligner is a completely different experience than wearing traditional braces. With a traditional brace, brackets are placed on your teeth that are connected by a wire. This wire is stretched ever so slightly tighter, causing your teeth to straighten. The aligner from Invisalign is a clear plastic cover that you put over your teeth. Your teeth adjust to the shape of the aligner, causing them to move into the exact position you want. 


Anyone who has worn traditional braces knows it: you had a nice meal, but half the meal is still between your braces. The average toothbrush does not clean properly between the brackets, causing your oral hygiene to deteriorate. With an aligner, you don’t have this problem. In fact, you simply take the braces off when you eat and when you brush your teeth. This way, you can keep your teeth just as clean as if you weren’t wearing braces.


With young people, we are used to seeing braces, but if you are an adult, you may prefer a more subtle brace. Invisalign’s aligner is virtually invisible. Because the braces are made of clear plastic and follow the exact shape of your teeth, you’ll be able to appear in your vacation photos with a bright smile.


In most cases, traditional braces produce good results. The teeth stand a lot straighter after wearing braces than before. But for precision work, the traditional brace is less suitable. With an aligner, on the other hand, we can steer precisely to the desired result. At the beginning of the procedure we make a computer animation of what your teeth should look like and we make the aligners so that they place your teeth in exactly the right position.


Are you thinking: ‘this all sounds very nice, there must be a big price tag on such an aligner of Invisalign’? Nothing could be further from the truth. An aligner is sometimes even cheaper than traditional braces. The price of the total treatment depends on how many aligners you need to achieve your ideal teeth. But because you only need to come in for a checkup once every eight weeks, we can keep treatment costs nice and low. You can read more about the cost of Invisalign in the blog we wrote earlier on this topic.

Invisalign or traditional braces? Invisalign of course!

As far as we are concerned, the choice between traditional braces and an aligner from Invisalign is easily made: Invisalign is the choice for anyone who wants beautiful straight teeth without all the disadvantages of a brace. Still having doubts? Then come and meet us at our practice in Eindhoven. We give advice without obligation, so if you make an appointment with us you are not stuck with anything. Making an appointment is easy: you can emailcall or text us. You can also fill out the call back form, and we will call you as soon as possible to make an appointment. Let’s align!

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Let’s straighten it out babe

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Open from Monday to Friday: 9:00 – 18:00

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